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Catalog: Physics 
252 days ago · From Alex Hirshman
The riddle of the electric current is explained, firstly, by the fact that currents do not run inside the conductors, but around them, in the ether layer adjacent to the conductor. And, secondly, the fact that quanta of electrical energy are right and left electrons. The difference is determined by the inversion of their magnetic poles. The inversion of the magnetic poles of electrons determines their opposite motion in space. Right-hand electrons generate a negative alternating current half-wave. Left-handed electrons generate a positive alternating current half-wave. Left electrons open p-n junctions, they also charge and discharge batteries, left electrons form a plus half-wave of an alternating current, right and left electrons can transform into each other. The left electrons charge the Earth's ionosphere, the right electrons charge the Earth's surface through lightning.
Catalog: Physics 
1029 days ago · From Gennady Tverdohlebov
The Standard Model of physics considers four fundamental interactions: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, and weak. But in objective reality there is also a magnetic interaction, which propagates through magnetic charges, which are called gravitons. Gravitons are mini vortices of ether, magnetic dipoles and bricks of matter. The energy of the vortex generates a unidirectional movement of the ether between the poles, as a result of which the ether is absorbed by one pole and thrown out by the opposite pole. This is how the forces that we call magnetic forces are formed.
Catalog: Physics 
1058 days ago · From Gennady Tverdohlebov
In addition to the valence, which connects the atoms into molecules, there is a valence that connects the nucleons to each other.
Catalog: Physics 
1902 days ago · From Gennady Tverdohlebov
The world ether is filled with gravitons. A positron rotating in the ether twists around itself graviton spheres, which increase its mass and turn it into a proton. The graviton spheres of the positron attract an electron to it, giving rise to a neutron. A proton, having lost some of its rotational energy, with its atomic graviton spheres - (unlike nuclear graviton spheres, which attract an electron to a proton, turning it into a neutron) - attracts an electron to itself, turning it into a hydrogen atom.
Catalog: Physics 
1917 days ago · From Gennady Tverdohlebov
The transformation occurs by replacing the charge motion vector with the opposite vector. This is explained by the fact that all elements of the electron's magnetoelectric system are opposite to all elements of the positron's magnetoelectric system. And this opposite is determined by the vector of their movement in space. Therefore, it is only necessary to change - by means of a diode bridge, or a mechanical rectifier - the motion vector of one of the charges on the opposite vector, as soon as this charge turns into its antipode. The electron motion vector is opposite to the positron motion vector, both in conductors and in electromagnetic waves.
Catalog: Physics 
1919 days ago · From Gennady Tverdohlebov
В макроскопической реальности гравитация определяется массой. В микроскопической реальности, где масса частиц практически нулевая, имеет место быть вращательный вид гравитации, который формируется посредством вращающихся микрочастиц и определяет в ядре атома так называемое сильное взаимодействие. Вращающиеся с огромной скоростью микрочастицы закручивают вокруг себя гравитоны (магнитные диполи) в гравитонные сферы, которые, как в водовороте, притягивают микрочастицы друг к другу. Так, основа всех ядер протон есть не что иное, как вращающийся с огромной скоростью позитрон, который, посредством вращательного вида гравитации, окутывает себя огромным количеством гравитонных сфер, которые позволяют ему захватывать электрон, и превращаться в нейтрон.
Catalog: Physics 
1944 days ago · From Gennady Tverdohlebov
According to our hypothesis, the conduction current is the current of electrons and positrons propagating in the ether, which surrounds the conductor. And according to our hypothesis, the photo effect is not a knockout of an electron from the cathode, but a reflection of an electromagnetic wave from the cathode. According to our hypothesis, an electromagnetic wave is formed by electrons and positrons. And these hypotheses completely overturn our understanding of the process of the photoelectric effect.
Catalog: Physics 
1965 days ago · From Gennady Tverdohlebov
A photo of a hydrogen atom taken with a photo-ionization microscope shows that electrons rotate around the nucleus of an atom not in orbitals, but in orbits, determined by the laws of classical electrodynamics. Seeing full-fledged orbits in the photo and stubbornly keep calling them orbitals is, in our opinion, like schizophrenia. Chemical bonds between atoms are determined by electrons. And this happens due to the fact that the atom has two pairs of potential differences, which act in relation to each other at an angle of 90 degrees, which ensures the attraction of electrons of some atoms to the nuclei of other atoms.
Catalog: Physics 
1975 days ago · From Gennady Tverdohlebov
Apparently, it is time to fill the emptiness of the model of the Rutherford-Bohr atom because this emptiness demonstrates the incompressibility of the atom. According to our hypothesis, the void must be filled with mini vortices of the ether - gravitons, which are magnetic dipoles. Attracted to each other by different poles, gravitons form gravitational, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. Graviton is also a quantum of the gravitational field that forms the body of the atom, along the lines of force of which the electrons rotate. Gravitons are also quanta of the gravitational field, which forms the bodies of atomic nuclei, the rotation of which at a high speed determines the strong interaction. In addition, apparently, it is time to clarify the question of how the atoms combine into molecules. Key words: emptiness, gravity, graviton, atomic nucleus, atom.
Catalog: Physics 
2053 days ago · From Gennady Tverdohlebov
A ray of light, refracted by a glass prism, splits into multicolored rays. And it is this set of rays that forms what we call sunlight.. Thus, light is a set of multi-colored photons. And the photon itself is a quantum of one or another color.
Catalog: Physics 
2092 days ago · From Gennady Tverdohlebov
A. Ampere's hypothesis about the nature of magnetism, based on the fact that the atoms of all substances, spinning around the nucleus of the atom, generate microcurrents that produce magnetism is not true. Magnetism is determined by gravitons - magnetic dipoles, from which the entire material world is composed.
Catalog: Physics 
2121 days ago · From Gennady Tverdohlebov
The principle of the battery confirms the unique design of the positron. Why does the current flowing through the anode and cathode determine the movement of anions to the anode, and the cations to the cathode?
Catalog: Physics 
2177 days ago · From Gennady Tverdohlebov
Summary A new concept of electricity is needed primarily because the modern concept of electricity believes that the conduction current is the movement of free electrons with stationary ions. But Faraday two hundred years ago put an experiment that showed that the conduction current is a movement, both negative and positive charges In addition, the current concept of electricity is not able to explain, for example, how an electric current generates magnetism, how superconductivity is formed, how the current is rectified, etc. The new concept of electricity must begin with the realization that the ether is not only the medium of light propagation, but the environment in which natural and artificial electric currents are distributed.
Catalog: Physics 
2342 days ago · From Gennady Tverdohlebov
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