This article looks at the origins of phenomenological investigations into the problem of religion. Reinach's Aufzeichnungen drew the attention of Gotting en phenomenologists toward religious experience; at the same time the philosophical discussion was accompanied by the active interest of Husserl's students in Christianity. This article summarizes psychological research into the problem of religious conversion before reconstructing the history of phenomenological religiosity. The "democratization" of interest in the study of religion and the search for a universal explanatory theory led to a situation in which psychologists of religion lost sight of the phenomenon of "religious awakening" among philosophers. But the dual nature of the phenomenon as a collective process that at the same time was an object of intellectual reflection raises interesting questions about the possible role of academicians in transforming religious meanings within a tradition. This question leads to an exploration of the relationship of the phenomenon to the phenomenological project as a whole. In the final analysis, it becomes possible to point out some questions about theories of religious conversion and to find a new way of problematizing the history of the phenomenological movement.
Исследование выполнено при поддержке гранта РНФ 14 - 18 - 03771 "Современная западная психология религии: адаптация в российском контексте", организация-адресат финансирования - Православный Свято-Тихоновский гуманитарный университет.
стр. 255Keywords: religious conversion, phenomenological movement, epiphany, Max Scheler, Adolf Reinach, Edith Stein.
В ИСТОРИЯХ феноменологического движения принято говорить о групповом религиозном обращении его участников, причем интерес к религии часто ставится в зависимость от познавательных установок феноменологов1. Эти наработки закрепили в истории философии представление о том, что имеет место особое явление - коллективное религиозное обращение интеллектуалов, сопровожд ...
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