Einstein's mistake.
A photon is not a quantum of light, but a quantum of color.
According to our hypothesis, the charges of an electron and a positron are formed when the central graviton, on which a charge appears, is enveloped by a torus. The axis of rotation of the torus passes through the poles of the graviton, and the outer part of its shell rotates, either from the north pole of the graviton to the south pole or vice versa, generating by its rotation either the north pole of the magnet (electron) or the south pole (positron). Whereas opposite poles are generated by the inner part of the torus.
The toroids located inside the electrons and positrons, we called photons.
By the way, scientists from the University of Washington created a high-speed camera capable of photonizing photons. The photograph shows a toroidal model of a photon. http://round-the-world.org/?p=1366
In our opinion, the quanta of an electromagnetic wave are electrons and positrons, which determine the length of an electromagnetic wave. Photons also control the wavelength of the photon itself, or the color emitted by the photon. Thus, a photon is a quantum of a color that is carried by one or another electromagnetic wave.
The photons that annihilated with the electron and the positron remain at the same wavelength that they had during the annihilation.
Ошибка Эйнштейна.
Фотон не квант света, а квант цвета.
По нашей гипотезе заряды электрона и позитрона формируются, когда центральный гравитон, на котором появляется заряд, опоясывается тором. Ось вращения тора проходит через полюса гравитона, и наружная часть его оболочки вращается, либо от северного полюса гравитона к южному полюсу, либо наоборот, генерируя своим вращением, либо северный полюс магнита (электрон), либо южный полюс (позитрон). Тогда как противоположные полюса генерируются внутренней частью тора.
Тороиды, расположенные внутри электронов и позитронов, мы назвали фотонами.
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