Electronic Library Delivery Services now available in Estonia
EurekaMag OÜ is a newly registered company in Estonia (Registry code: 16507586) but has been providing Document Delivery Services (DDS) worldwide since 2006. Utilizing a network of currently 53 international libraries, EurekaMag acquires articles scanned from millions of journals and books at libraries including the US National Library of Medicine (NLM), the largest medicine library in Europe (German National Library of Medicine), the National Library of Australia, the National Diet Library in Japan, and the National Science Library Beijing in China. Besides these major libraries, EurekaMag has many other libraries in its network most of which are specialized in science topics such as veterinary medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, physical and technical sciences, sports science, and art science. Due to its base in Europe, EurekaMag is specialized in medical, biological, zoological, technical and geographical journals published in Europe including Eastern European and Russian sources. Coverage dates back to the 18th Century and earlier. On it's website, EurekaMag offers more than 56 million articles and abstracts referenced in PubMed, BIOSIS Previews, CAB Abstracts, Zoological Record, GeoRef, Web of Science and more.  Purchased articles are delivered in electronic (PDF) format with OCR in the native language of the article applied. PDFs of electronic articles (with a Digital Object Identifier, DOI) cost $19.90 and are emailed immediately or within a maximum of 6 hours. Articles from printed sources scanned at libraries are usually emailed within 1 workday and cost $29.90. Thereby, EurekaMag's services are faster and cheaper than those of "traditional" interlibrary loan (ILL) services. A more detailed introduction of how EurekaMag's services work can be retrieved on it's website. For libraries, companies such as copyright law firms and other corporations, we offer lower prices depending on the volume of orders. For these customers, emailing citations with a minimu ... Read more

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Electronic Library Delivery Services now available in Estonia

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