From the history of the term nickname
From the history of the term nickname * Currently, the term nickname is unambiguous and is used by all researchers to convey the concept that defines an additional, unofficial naming of a person: "Nicknames are words given to people in different periods of their life according to one or another property or quality of these people and by which they are usually known in a certain, often rather closed circle of society" (Chichagov V.K. History of Russian names, patronymics and surnames. Moscow, 1959). "A nickname is a name acquired by an individual, a family, a whole team, by which they are known in a certain social environment" (Tropin G. V. Russian names, patronymics and surnames. Irkutsk, 1961). The lexeme nickname, naturally, not yet terminologized, was first attested in the written monuments of the XII century in the meaning of "name": "C(e)rk(o)v ... in the name of s (vya)t (o)go Saviour of the Transfiguration Novegorod on the mountain, and the nickname Nereditsa" (Sreznevsky I. I. Materials for the dictionary of the Old Russian language. SPb., 1893-1903). The word was not widely used until the XVI century, but since that time its activity has increased dramatically. Judging by the materials of sources of the XVI-XVII centuries, the period of the highest frequency of the word's existence, its semantic structure is also expanding. In addition to the old meaning of "name", a number of new ones appear in monuments of business writing (in book Slavonic texts, the nickname has isolated fixations): 1. "Name of a person": "Maiden Maryitsa nickname Lyuba" (1611). Gauthier Yu. V. Monuments of the defense of Smolensk 1609-1611. Moscow, 1912); 2. "Naming in the Russian language". overall". So, in the Novgorod regions * This work was supported by the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, project 01-04-5 8001 a / C. page 93 Istomka Moroz is recorded in the bonded books under the year 1603, which is further referred to as "the nickname Istomka the Scoundrel's son" (Novgorod ... Read more

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From the history of the term nickname

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