Fundamental error of fundamental physics
The theory of light developed simultaneously, as the movement of corpuscles and waves.
D. Maxwell introduced the concept of EM waves. M. Planck proved that light spreads and is absorbed in portions - quanta, which he called photons.
Such is the brief background of the fact that the photon was called the quantum of the EM wave.
And it suited everyone until a half-educated philosopher showed up who indiscreetly declared: gentlemen, excuse me, the photon has neither electric nor magnetic charge, and therefore it cannot form the configuration of the EM wave, where the electric and magnetic components are perpendicular to each other and to the wave propagation vector. Moreover, this impudent philosopher stated that he had discovered such an electron and positron construction that generates precisely such perpendiculars of EM waves.
And they, electrons and positrons, are the quanta of the EM wave.
This fact is clearly proved by artificial EM waves, where in the receiving antennas the EM wave generates electron-positron EMF.
EMF photons cannot form.
Thus, electromagnetic waves are waves of electrons and positrons, which, through: synchrotron, cyclotron, inhibitory, Cherenkov, radio-emitted, microwave, and so on, emit photons that only reflect the amount of energy that is carried by this wave.
Фундаментальная ошибка фундаментальной физики
Теория света развивалась одновременно, как движение корпускул и волны.
Д. Максвелл ввёл понятие ЭМ волны. М. Планк доказал, что свет распространяет и поглощается порциями – квантами, которы он назвал фотонами.
Такова краткая предыстория того факта, что фотон был назван квантом ЭМ волны.
И всех это устраивало, пока не явился недоучившийся философ, который нескромно заявил: позвольте, господа, фотон не имеет, ни электрического, ни магнитного заряда, и потому он не может формировать конфигурацию ЭМ волны, где электрическая и магнитная составляющие перпендикулярны друг к другу и к вектору распро ...
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