This paper analyzes the conceptual bases for introducing and implementing the subject "Foundations of World Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" in the public schools of the Tambov region. It draws upon official data presented by the Diocesan Administration and the regional Department of Education. The article also provides the results of independent monitoring of the introduction and teaching experience of the "Foundations of Orthodox Cultures" in the Tambov regional schools that was carried out by the staff of the Center for Religious Studies of Tambov State University. The work included questionnaires, attendance at parents' evenings, conversations with teachers who were trained in the subject and who had experience teaching these disciplines. The author analyzes different positions concerning the teaching of "Foundation of Orthodox Culture" in schools; identifies the most significant problems in this area, which includes the preparation of teachers and the low motivation of teachers and students; and gives examples of positive experience.
Keywords: Foundations of Orthodox Culture, knowledge about religion in school, the problem of teacher training, the parental opinion.
The issue of teaching knowledge about religion at school is still acute in Russian society. According to opinion polls, in 2009 (that is, at the beginning of the introduction of the subject on religions in Russian schools), a significant increase in the number of students was observed.
page 119the number of respondents to the question " Should there be a subject in school related to knowledge about religion?" they responded positively to 1.
In 2011, Patriarch Kirill put it this way: "The introduction of the' Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture 'is one of the most important issues on the agenda of church-state relations, which is largely crucial for the fate of Russian education and directly affects the interests of millions of parents and their children." 2Representatives of the Russian Orthodox C ...
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