Currently, there are conditions when the development of a complex of technically different labor-saving technologies is becoming an important factor in the socio-economic development of most countries of the world. For centuries, the growth of production has been based on the expansion of the labor force. In recent decades, there has been an international competition between the skilled but expensive labor of Western countries and the cheap but less skilled labor of developing countries. Cheaper labor is winning in many areas, but the development of labor-saving technologies is beginning to change global trends.
Labor-saving machine systems have been developed in agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and services. The development of labor-saving technologies can have a positive effect on the socio-economic development of industrialized countries, as well as China, where the aging population is combined with the intensive development of robotics. For developing countries, these technologies may be threatened by a drop in demand for low-skilled labor on a global scale.
Keywords: labor-saving technologies, labor force, robotics, socio-economic development, developed countries, developing countries.
Technological development has a great influence on socio-economic processes, and there are periods when this influence is not noticeable to contemporaries, technical inventions are an internal matter of science and production. Then the accumulated changes take on such a scale that the created technical systems create a new base of productive forces that affects society as a whole. In this article, an attempt is made to substantiate the claim that at present there are conditions when a complex of various labor-saving technologies has developed to such an extent that for almost all countries of the world the consequences of this development will have one or another, positive or negative significance.
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