Letters from Agafya Lykova
The name of the" mistress " of the Sayan taiga, Agafya Karpovna Lykova, has become popular in recent years. The interest of journalists, scientists, writers and just curious people does not weaken to this day. In turn, Agafya seeks to communicate with people "from the world". Meetings in the taiga on the Khat River (a tributary of the Abakan River) with relatives and acquaintances are usually short-lived. After such meetings, letters written by Agafya Lykova usually fly to different parts of the country. They are addressed to everyone Agafya needs. Many letters from the taiga are received by the writer L. S. Cherepanov. We are publishing one of them. Observations of the letters have shown that they may be of scientific interest. So, all letters are written in semi-articulate handwriting (a letter in "printed" letters without a slope) and are a kind of everyday, personal gramotka-letters. Unlike the charter - the most ancient type of writing (XI-XIII centuries) - a semi-statute, as a rule, strives not for beauty, solemnity, but for the convenience of writing and speeding up the writing process. From the middle of the XIV century, the semi-ustav began to be used as a new type of Old Russian writing. It was this type of writing that was preserved in Russia until the XVIII century. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, a new bright phenomenon appeared in the east of our country (the Urals, Siberia) - peasant Old Believer writing. page 65 Our observations show that all Lykova's letters are written in a good narrative style. The language of the letters is simple, close to everyday colloquial, devoid of rhetorical embellishments and heavy imitations of the Old Russian book style. All letters contain characteristic features of the epistolary genre. In their "classic" form, they are divided into three parts: the beginning, the" business " part (disclosure of the topic, content) and the conclusion (ending). In the beginning, the author usually turns to God, then the author's name is in ... Read more

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Letters from Agafya Lykova

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