The Russian Epic namebook contains interesting information about the genre and stylistic norms of the Russian epic tradition. We made an attempt to systematize the namebook of Russian epics according to the records of A. F. Hilferding (Gilferding A. F. Onega epics of 1871, St. Petersburg, 1873) using an Index (Vasiliev N. V. Index to Hilferding's Onega Epics, St. Petersburg, 1909), identifying the leading lines of stylistic use of character names and describing their structure. The names of male and female characters are considered in comparison. Let's start with one-component epic names. In the "Onega Epics" there are only 86 of them, including 75 proper names, 11 surnames (patronyms). The structure of patronyms is productive and includes, along with the producing base-name, one of the suffixes -ov, - in, -ich, - sk- , etc. Actually, one-component names, devoid of the usual evaluation suffixes for them-55 and derivatives-20: Andronishche, Fornication, Burko, Vanyushka, Vasenka, Vasilyushko, Vitvichki, Voronko, Goryn (h)ische, Dolgopolyanin, Ondronishche, Poleshanin, Potanyushka, Potashenka, Sokolnik, Ugryumishche, Fomushka, Cherkalenets, Chess-noc. Shamakhi. Among the derived names of anthroponyms-17, zoonyms-3.For male epic names, the usual magnifying suffix-ische, emphasizing the strength and power of an epic character, and antonyms with a diminutive-affectionate, as well as pejorative meaning for characters of lower social status or zoopersonages. page 105 Single-component names, as a rule, do not have lexical and phonetic variants, with the exception of the name Vasily (Vasenka, Vasilyushko). A large number of lexical-phonetic, synonymic, structural variants-characteristics, variants-descriptions are marked only for the names of heroes: Kostryuk (Kostryukovich, Demyan Demyanovich, Temnyuk, Demryuk (ovich), Mastryuk, Mastryuk Chemeryukovich, Kostryukanovich, Debryuk Debryukovich, Cherkalenets, Cherkashenin), Khoten (Khotin, Khotey, Kotenko, Kotenko Bludovich, Bl ... Read more

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