Russia, Spain to maintain dialogue, boost cooperation
Acting Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin and Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar held talks in Moscow on Monday. Aznar reiterated that Spain is interested in maintaining an active dialogue with the Russian leadership on topical international issues and bilateral matters, the government's information department told Itar-Tass. Stepashin and Aznar exchanged on prospects for a political settlement in Kosovo and on a number of other international issues. They also discussed key aspects of Russian-Spanish relations and stated mutual commitment to the development of advantageous and multifaceted cooperation, especially in the trade, economic and social spheres. The two sides signed intergovernmental agreements on cooperation in the fields of fighting crime and information. They also agreed to prepare agreements encouraging and protecting mutual investments, enhancing cooperation between customs authorities and other documents. Speaking at a joint press conference after the talks, Stepashin said Spain has invested about 60 million U.S. dollars and opened 270 Spanish enterprises in Russia. "There could be more of them if two conditions were met: first, social, political and economic stability in Russia; second, the protection of foreign investors so that law enforcement agencies could protect civilised investors operating on the Russian market." He noted that a bilateral agreement on the protection of foreign investments in Russia should be signed in the autumn. Stepashin also called for more active cooperation between Russian regions and Spanish autonomies which have broad powers in terms of trade and economic contacts and noted the importance of the upcoming signing of an agreement between Russia and Spain in the field of tourism. Aznar spoke of the need to develop political dialogue between Russia and Spain. "Spain would like to have very good relations with Russia and strengthen them," he said. "In addition, Spain would like Russia to move forward in economi ... Read more

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Russia, Spain to maintain dialogue, boost cooperation

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