CELEBRATING AFRICA DAY CONTEMPORARY CONCLUSIONS FROM THE "AFRICAN LESSONS". What the historians of many countries are discussing and arguing about by A.B.Davidson, Academician, Russian Academy of Science (RAS) Keywords: the collapse of colonialism, the formation of statehood, the history of Asian and African nations, national identity, Afrocentrism Battle of scientists, journalists, representatives of the authorities, and in some times of the whole nations around the historical past is now going so fast and have become tougher than ever before. There are many reasons for this. One of the most important connected with the collapse of the colonial empires and that huge change which are occurring recent decades, especially in Asia and Africa, with the conversion of many former colonies into independent states, and strengthening of independence of those countries which quite recently by historical measures were dependent. Another very important reason of course is the fact that Asians and Africans now make the vast majority of humanity. TOP PROBLEM REGIONAL SECURITY AFRICAN INITIATIVE TO COMBAT INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM by I.O.Abramova, Dr.Sc. (Economics), Institute for African Studies, RAS Keywords: Institute for African Studies, Morocco, "Marrakech security forum", international terrorism in Africa February 12 - 13, 2016 Director of the Institute for African Studies, Dr. Sc. (Economics), Professor I.O.Abramova and Deputy Director, Dr. Sc. (Economics), Professor L.L.Fituni at the invitation of the Moroccan Center for Strategic research (ICSR) have visited the Kingdom of Morocco, where they have taken part in the 7-th International security forum "Marrakech security forum". The main topic of scientific debate was the threat of international terrorism in Africa. ISLAM, ISLAMISMAND EXTREMISM ISLAMIC RADICALISM IN PAKISTAN: FACTORS, PHASES, CYCLES by V.Ya.Belokrenitsky, Dr.Sc. (History), Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS Keywords: Islamization, Ahmadiya, Sunni-Shi'a conflic ... Read more

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