The complexity and vagueness of the semantics of the words vulgar, vulgarity makes us first of all turn to special linguistic literature and explanatory dictionaries. V. V. Vinogradov, considering the history of the formation of the modern meaning, points out that the word vulgar is Russian, folk and distinguishes the following meanings: "1) old, ancient, ancestral, originally belonging; 2) former, ordinary" (Vinogradov V. V. Istoriya slov. Moscow, 1999, p. 531). He believed that the negative connotation of meaning in the semantics of the word vulgar was formed at the end of the XVII-beginning of the XVIII century. Meanwhile, explanatory dictionaries record the adjective vulgar only from the middle of the XIX century. The 1847 Dictionary of Church Slavonic and Russian explains the word we are interested in as follows: "Vulgar - 1. Low quality, very ordinary, unimportant. Vulgar painting in pictures drenches the infancy of art. 2. Low, rustic. Vulgar speeches. 3. Old. The former has long been a custom, or in use. And the riders go the vulgar way. 4. Old. Ancient, ancestral, belonging to someone for a long time. And my people are vulgar ,... and those people are half my children. A vulgar fool is the same as a beaten or perfect fool." Modern usage is indicated only by the example given as an illustration of the second meaning: vulgar speech. The" modern "semantics of the word is fixed by V. I. Dahl, placing the word vulgar in the article duty:" old. Old, old, that is old conducted; old, old, is(spo)equestrian. Now: beaten, well-known, fucked up, out of custom; indecent, revered by the rude, simple, low, mean, square; vulgar, trivial. Vulgar jokes and speeches. These vulgar novels are boring; A vulgar man, a vulgar man, a vulgar woman, a vulgar woman" (Dal V. I. Explanatory Dictionary of the living Great Russian Language, Vol. III. p. 374). V. I. Dal notes both the outdated meaning and the actual one. He was the first to offer an explanation of the meaning of semantica ... Read more

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