M. Makarevych, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine in Estonian Republic, answers the questions of our correspondent Volodymyr Muzyka * * * Q: The Independence Day is the most important national holiday in Estonia, isn't it? A.: Indeed, this past February, 24 Estonia celebrated its 86th anniversary of independence. In order to fully understand the meaning of this date for subsequent history of Estonia, let us just consider a few facts that had brought this event about. In October 1917 Bolsheviks seized power in Russia and in January next year Estonia took reasonable steps bearing on its future. The WWI was coming to an end, Germany found itself on the verge of defeat, and the delegation went to Petrograd to meet there with the ambassadors of Great Britain, France and the United States of America in order to inform western powers about desire of Estonians to gain independence, which meant quitting the Russia. And as far as the German occupation was becoming a reality, they made a seemingly dead-end decision to proclaim Estonia independent and strive for its recognition by western states. On February 23, from the balcony of Piarnu Theater "Endla" the Manifest was read out about the independence of Estonia edited by the Salvation Committee which, actually, proclaimed Estonia an independent democratic republic. The next day the Committee members Constantin Pyats, Yuri Vilms and Constantin Conic formed the Provisional Government and appointed Constantin Pyats the prime minister. There and then the Manifest was officially read стр. 57 out about independence. The new state-Estonian Republic-appeared on the map of Europe. Revel-the old name of Tallinn-met the morning of February 25 with pealing, dark blue-black-white national tricolor, divine services in temples and solemn meetings at schools. The last Russian warships left the harbor. However, the same day the German troops entered the city. They acknowledged neither the independence of Estonia ... Read more

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