The law of universal gravitation of Newton is a particular cases of attraction of two bodies with equal masses
Calculations made according to the formula of the law of universal gravitation of Newton show that the Moon is attracted by the Sun twice as much as the Earth.  And the first landing of probes on asteroids was unsuccessful because the gravitational potential of asteroids was calculated by the same formula. Accidents stopped as soon as the gravitational potential of asteroids began to be considered a value directly proportional to the masses of asteroids. For this reason, in physical science the opinion has been formed that the law of universal gravitation of Newton is inaccurate.                                                       In our opinion, this inaccuracy lies in the fact that this law is considered from the standpoint of Newton's third law, where the attraction of bodies to each other, regardless of the difference in their masses, is carried out by equal forces of attraction. But Newton's third law is refuted by celestial mechanics. Celestial mechanics demonstrates that the interaction of two masses of different sizes determines the different trajectories of their motion. Thus, for a twofold difference in mass, the bodies form circular orbits, with a center of mass closer to the body with a larger mass. A significant difference in mass forms the center of mass inside the body with a larger mass around which a body with a smaller mass rotates. These facts prove that masses of different sizes radiate different forces of attraction. And observations of how giant planets are bombarded by microscopic asteroids and comets, makes the final conclusion: large masses have a great attraction force, and a smaller mass has a smaller attraction force. When the masses are equal and, consequently, the equality of the forces of attraction, the bodies describe two identical ellipses with the center of mass at the center of these ellipses. And by the way, the formula of the law of universal gravitation of Newton reflects this particular case: attraction of two masses with eq ... Read more

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The law of universal gravitation of Newton is a particular cases of attraction of two bodies with equal masses

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