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LIBRARY.SE sends data about all posted publications to partner libraries around the world (open the interactive map), social networks and search engines.

LIBRARY.SE protects your copyrights, helps you find partners and investors, increases your scholarly citation index, and gives you access to your copyrighted heritage.

Preserving the past, collecting the present, and helping to build the future \ LIBRARY.SE

LIBRARY.SE is a digital library, repository and archive for the preservation of scientific and literary works of Swedish and foreign authors. The project works on the principles of free participation: everyone can register and save their scientific or literary works. Read and publish with LIBRARY.SE!

PLATFORM'S TARGET AUDIENCE: Scientists · Teachers · Students · Writers · Researchers · Archivists · Publishers · Famous figures
      The Confrontation of France, Generalist of Europe, With the East, in the face of the Maghreb, Syria and the land of Israel left a lot of “Gordian knots”, untangled for centuries before and after. The very history of the Crusades helped the old Franc…
10 hours ago
There is a historical version of this, The Dutch adventurer bought the island of Manhattan for a collection of valuables.., for a total cost of 60 (Sixty) Dutch guilders. Which in the gold Taller equivalent was closer to 24 (Twenty-four) coins or the moder…
4 days ago
     We know, What the Russian Empire, Since the autocrat Peter the Great, many basic goods have been exported to the West: Decoding, sailcloth, Constructional forest, furs, Horse harness, Mushrooms and berries, nuts, mushrooms, Dairy products. And from th…
10 days ago
There is one "fatal question" to the rulers of the USSR: Why they didn’t carry out the financial reform after the Olympic Games in Moscow? In the spring of 1981? Why did not the cascade of reforms of a political nature? Reminder, that the oil windfalls of …
14 days ago
We're, already, They wrote, The Soviet Union lost its peace treaty in 1944-1945.. Conferences in Yalta and Bretton Woods. That should explain. Our military allies have skillfully calculated their financial costs. Transoceanic campaigns and, Actually, Lend…
17 days ago
We're, already, They wrote, The Soviet Union lost its peace treaty in 1944-1945.. Conferences in Yalta and Bretton Woods. That should explain. Our military allies have skillfully calculated their financial costs. Transoceanic campaigns and, Actually, Lend-…
17 days ago
          Mobilization before Chaos...                                   In the modern world, Or let's say the world after 1960 has a lot of global jobs.., which are not formalized... Oddly enough, The tasks are related to the consequences of technical pro…
18 days ago
                                             In the modern world, Or let's say the world after 1960 has a lot of global jobs.., which are not formalized... Oddly enough, The tasks are related to the consequences of technical progress: Millions of Tons of S…
18 days ago
We have no idea what, How many financial derivatives and, Actually, Fiat money is assigned by the masters of history to own and use for the future in 100 years. Here.., Lovers of chemistry should know., That the amount of money and derivatives can and shou…
23 days ago
What needs to be said... Free Life or Free Death is man’s choice from shroud to shroud! The Sad Truth: Born into Slavery, often,I'm not ready to be free... For him, slavery is a given. Self-Reliance is a Difficult Mission! B. IV In the century before Our E…
25 days ago
        Among the physiologists, already, One hundred and fifty years, There are battles over the points of bifurcation of the “transformation” of the monkey into a modern man... Or, Or rather, the first man-like tribes in the tribes that conquered Fire a…
32 days ago
        Report from Captain Obvious   We will now give a vulgar calculation of the war economy, What works from 22 February 2022. Russia, almost, Lost to Little Russia. The border from which it is time to “refresh”. Historians will tell you the details...…
43 days ago
Outstanding book for subject ship's watchkeeping
0 fan club members
45 days ago
Outstanding book on Principles of Navigation
0 fan club members
45 days ago
Outstanding book on subject General Ship's Knowledge
0 fan club members
45 days ago
An excellent book on Meteorology
0 fan club members
45 days ago
An outstanding book for mariners
0 fan club members
45 days ago
Outstanding book
0 fan club members
45 days ago
The Russian Epic namebook contains interesting information about the genre and stylistic norms of the Russian epic tradition. We made an attempt to systematize the namebook of Russian epics according to the records of A. F. Hilferding (Gilferding A. F. One…
46 days ago
From the history of the term nickname * Currently, the term nickname is unambiguous and is used by all researchers to convey the concept that defines an additional, unofficial naming of a person: "Nicknames are words given to people in different periods of…
46 days ago
In 2001, E. I. Nosov, a veteran novelist, was awarded the Solzhenitsyn Literary Prize. In E. I. Nosov's prose, vocabulary, rhythm, and sound recording are all directed to the main image, which is the …
46 days ago
Punctuation errors are sometimes caused by the inability to distinguish between simple and complex sentences, as well as complex conjunctive (compound, compound) and non-conjunctive sentences. To accu…
46 days ago
VI. Previous articles have shown that in the last decade metaphorical models with conceptual vectors of cruelty, aggressiveness and competition, deviations from the natural order of things (war, crime…
46 days ago
The mischievous, humorous, unfinished poem" Monk " of the Lyceum period (1813) was not published during the poet's lifetime. It describes the confrontation of the monk Pancratius with the" underground…
46 days ago
The official Russian naming formula consists of three components: personal first name, patronymic , and last name. In the West, two or more personal names are common in the official naming model : Joh…
46 days ago
In international practice, it has long been customary for heads of State and their permanent representatives abroad to resort to certain diplomatic acts if necessary. These notes are a kind of written…
46 days ago
Of the three named paronyms, the oldest is the adjective massive. For the first time, this word was officially registered almost two hundred years ago (in 1804) in the New Word interpreter and. Yanovs…
46 days ago
S. N. Nosov, in his article "Literature and the Game" published in Novy Mir (1992, No. 2), speaking about Tatyana Tolstoy's short story "Sweet Shura", comes to the conclusion that the author in it "is…
46 days ago
Gogol liked to repeat that his images would not be alive if every reader did not feel that they were taken "from the same body that we are from." This property of Gogol's images - a certain recognizab…
46 days ago
Pushkin is an unsurpassed master of literary jokes, practical jokes, puns, epigrams, and parodies. Wordplay, all kinds of hoaxes were the environment in which the literary tastes of the Pushkin era we…
46 days ago
This question is often heard in the villages of the north of the Lipetsk region, and it concerns the so-called street, unofficial, undocumented surnames. Probably, there is no place in Russia where na…
46 days ago
What a flourishing state the Russians would bring literature to if they knew the value of their language. E. R. Dashkova The Department of Literature and Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences an…
46 days ago
Pearls were one of the most common and popular jewelry items in Russia. They were used to embroider both royal clothes and festive outfits of peasants. The image of pearls as a significant detail of a…
47 days ago
"The Book of St. Augustine" in the Russian translation of the XVI century - the first "selected collection of works" in Russia of the most prominent Western European theologian, Aurelius Augustine (13…
47 days ago
Н. В. Гоголь был одним из наиболее притягательных авторов для русских филологов и писателей, оказавшихся в эмиграции. Рассмотрим некоторые их статьи, в которых анализируются существенные грани его творчества. Филолог-славист Алексей Федорович Бем в статье …
47 days ago
К исходу XVI века Соловецкий монастырь превратился в один из крупнейших центров культуры русского Севера. Тут велась переписка рукописей, создавался местный летописец, возникло "Житие митрополита Московского Филиппа" Колычева, в бытность которого игуменом …
47 days ago
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Important information for authors

Why is it important to save your scholarly work in a digital library?

There are many reasons why it is important to keep your scholarly work online. Let's focus on the main ones:
  1. Wide access: The Internet allows researchers and scholars around the world easy access to your scholarly work. This is especially important for those who live or work in remote countries or regions or sparsely populated areas where access to scholarly publications may be limited.
  2. Preservation and dissemination of knowledge: The preservation and dissemination of scientific works on the Internet ensures the preservation and dissemination of knowledge that can be used to advance science. This helps avoid duplication of research and facilitates access to previous works, which contributes to faster human progress.
  3. Citation: Storing research papers online at a specific address provides a permanent link to your work, making it easier for other scientists to cite and use your research. It also helps to increase your citation index in academia.
  4. Archiving: Storing research papers online ensures that they are archived and preserved for the future. This is important so that researchers can access previous works and use them in their own research.
  5. Dissemination of ideas: Keeping scientific papers online provides an opportunity to disseminate ideas and research results to a wide audience. This can lead to a broader discussion of ideas and a faster dissemination of knowledge in the scientific community.

What can I save in a digital library?

In a digital library, authors can save all kinds of digital information:
  1. E-books: digital versions of books, which can be saved in PDF, DJVU, or other e-book formats.
  2. Scientific articles: scientific publications that can be saved in text form for reading from a computer screen or other gadget or in PDF or other electronic article formats (in which case articles can also be read from both desktop and mobile device screens).
  3. Journals: digital versions of journals that can be saved in PDF or other electronic journal formats.
  4. Audio and video materials: lecture recordings, music, movies and other video and audio files. Audio files are stored in a special storage, and we recommend uploading videos to Youtube and then inserting a link to them in your publications in the library.
  5. Documents: different types of documents, such as brochures, manuals, reports, articles, and other documents. There is a special section for files in the library.
  6. Maps and drawings: different types of graphic images, including maps, charts, drawings, diagrams, and other types of images. They can be stored in the Photo Documents section.
  7. Electronic textbooks and learning materials: digital versions of textbooks, study guides, and other learning materials.
  8. Electronic newspapers: digital versions of newspapers that can be saved in PDF or other electronic newspaper formats.
  9. Photos: digital images of photos and other graphic materials.
  10. Archival materials: digital versions of documents and other materials from archives and museums.
  11. Research information: digital versions of articles, reports, dissertations, and other research-related materials.
  12. Electronic diaries: digital versions of diaries and other personal entries. The library has a special section for author diaries, where you can keep entries in chronological order.
  13. Electronic patents: digital versions of patents and other documents related to intellectual property.
  14. Internet Archives: electronic versions of web pages and other online materials that can be saved in archiving programs and uploaded for preservation in the library.
  15. Computer programs and applications: digital versions of software, applications, and games.
  16. Electronic dictionaries and reference books: digital versions of various dictionaries and reference books on various topics.
  17. Music: digital versions of music, albums, and other audio materials.
  18. Digital maps: electronic versions of maps, geographic and topographic data.

Why is the digital library free for authors and readers?

All services to authors and readers are provided free of charge. So it was, so it is and so it will be. There are several reasons why the library stores and makes available information published by authors for free:
  1. Accessibility. Free access to information makes it available to all users, regardless of their financial status or location. This is important to ensure equal access to education and information for all.
  2. Dissemination of knowledge. The purpose of digital libraries is to disseminate knowledge and information throughout the world. Free access to information contributes to this goal because it allows people to access the latest scientific discoveries and other important information resources.
  3. Social effect. Many authors, especially those who publish their works in the electronic library, do not receive direct financial benefits from their publications, but do so in order to promote science and disseminate knowledge. Providing free access to their work helps them achieve this goal.
13.09.2024 15:23
13.09.2024 14:30
Jean-Claude Bomay has joined Libmonster
10.09.2024 23:13
Mahutin DEGBEGNI has joined Libmonster
05.09.2024 22:50
ieh ieh has joined Libmonster
27.08.2024 19:13
26.08.2024 21:24
Parithi Elamvazhuthi Muruganandam has joined Libmonster
26.08.2024 21:16
25.08.2024 20:22
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