Libmonster ID: SE-648
Author(s) of the publication: N. I. KLUSHINA

One of the breakout sessions of the international conference "Journalism and Culture of Russian Speech at the Turn of the Millennium", held by the Department of Russian Language Stylistics of the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University in April 2002, was devoted to the role of advertising in modern mass media. The work of the section "Advertising in mass media" was led by the President of the Russian Association of Advertising Agencies (RARA) V. A. Evstafyev. The opening speech, in which he called on the gathered linguists and advertising practitioners to discuss the urgent problems of modern advertising in a comprehensive and constructive way, became a tuning fork for subsequent speeches.

In their messages, the audience subjected advertising texts to a thorough linguistic analysis. A spirit of objectivity prevailed at the meeting. Advertising text was considered not only as a provider of numerous language errors, but also as a source of expressive resources of Russian speech. Constructive analysis, rather than destructive criticism, is a tool in the study of "persuasive communication," as advertising is increasingly called.

"Advertising texts are included in the language fund, become recognizable, are quoted, and therefore have a very active influence on the formation of the language norm. Therefore, our task is to find out what are the mechanisms of influence of the advertising language on the language norm and how it is possible to regulate this process, " said O. A. Ksenzenko, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the International Institute of Advertising.

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But the language norm in advertising is very often violated. And here you need to take into account the motives for such a violation. After all, it is known that such violations often become the basis of a" language game " in order to increase the effectiveness of an advertising message. However, we should not forget that sometimes deviations from the norm are explained by non-compliance (or ignorance) of the rules of grammar and spelling. And if fresh stylistic solutions in advertising find unconditional support among linguists, then mistakes associated with unjustified violation of generally accepted cultural and speech norms are of particular concern, since the well-known obsession of modern Russian advertising contributes to the spread and consolidation of such speech "anomalies" in the mass consciousness.

Puns can be an effective tool for creating new productive meanings that increase both the aesthetic value and the "selling power" of advertising. For example: "Do the right thing" (advertising Natalia Nesterova University) or "strong sex" (advertising a company that sells parquet). According to M. I. Nikitin (MSU named after R. R. Dashkova), there are not so many such successes in modern domestic advertising, but the very fact of their appearance is remarkable and cannot but please with its originality. This means that domestic advertising, at least in its best models, begins to successfully master the native language and, like good literature, becomes an area of demonstration of its rich capabilities.

One of the expressive means in advertising is a metaphor. Having studied the thematic groups of metaphors in advertising, P. B. Parshin considers the most widespread ones to be those whose source is sports, since speed, pace, and victory are in demand in advertising, as well as in competitions. But the military metaphor, on the contrary, is almost not represented in advertising, and this is understandable: after all, advertising is "the art of seducing", and not scaring the consumer.

But often, in the pursuit of expressiveness of an advertising statement, its creators violate not only linguistic, but also ethical and moral norms, forgetting about their responsibility to society.

E. S. Kara-Murza (Lomonosov Moscow State University), for example, believes that advertisers choose both a system of arguments and a manner of utterance (for example, using youth jargon) based on consumer preferences, cultural and educational level of potential buyers. But such stylized texts distributed through mass channels often irritate a wide audience, like the already proverbial slogan " Don't slow down, snickers!".

After analyzing specific examples of violations of language norms (orthoepic, orthographic, word-forming, syntactic-

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E. S. Kara-Murza showed how the case system is ignored (many words cease to be inclined and are transmitted in Latin), models that are not typical of the Russian language are activated (for example, "tips from Masyan" - instead of "tips from Masyan"), etc. She identified those extralinguistic factors that influence the choice of language tools and the preference for presentation techniques. This is both a stylistic fashion, and not the highest language and communication competence of a collective rhetorician, and a factor of apprenticeship. The latter, in particular, is manifested in the fact that "the standard of advertising creativity is considered to be foreign texts created mainly in the American cultural area and in English. Hence the reproduction of stylistic features of foreign-language advertising (primarily this applies to texts heard on radio and television), and inadequate translation into Russian of texts prepared by Western advertisers, and moreover, the focus on manipulative methods of exhortation, including those based on aggressive NLP (neuro-linguistic programming).- strategies". The trouble is that today many university graduates who have joined advertising agencies cannot create effective and competent text.

Getting advertisers the necessary philological knowledge, as well as specific skills in creating correct speech works, is an urgent problem that requires separate consideration.


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