Hello! (Hello there!) Great! Do you live well? I wish you good health! Good health! Be healthy (Be healthy.)!..
Such etiquette formulas, which we have to hear and pronounce countless times, are so familiar that in speech communication we only choose the words and expressions that most correspond to a particular communicative situation (meeting-farewell; formal-informal communication) and do not think that modern standard greetings arose through semantic reduction I wish you good health and good luck.
The greeting formula as a wish for a person's health is known in many Slavic languages - the Ukrainian Zdorovenki buli !: "Zdorovenki buli, Pan dobrodziyu," Myshlaevsky said in a venomous voice "(Bulgakov. Belaya Gvardiya); belorusskoe Zdarova! Добрага здароуя! Bulgarian Health! Croatian Zdravo! Interestingly, the Croatian greeting has two meanings: as a greeting at a meeting and synonymous with Russian Hello! (Hello!), and also as a wish when saying goodbye (Otin E. S. "For sim packs hello!" / / Russian speech. 1981. N 3).
The wish of health when parting with someone is also characteristic of Russian speech etiquette: Be healthy! (Be healthy!). Note that initially the turnover was associated with superstitious ideas; hence the use in the meaning of " exclamation when someone sneezes with a wish for health." The exclamation was intended, according to the ancient ideas of the Eastern Slavs, to protect a sneezing person from contact with any spirit (the animistic basis of phraseology is indicated in the following works: N. M. Shansky, V. I. Zimin, A.V. Filippov "Experience of etymological analysis of Russian phraseology"; V. M. Mokienko "Riddles of Russian phraseology"; Bi-
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rikh A. K., Mokienko V. M., Stepanova L. I. " Dictionary of Russian Phraseology. Historical and etymological reference book").
The process of semantic development of the expression Be Healthy! (Be healthy!) in modern Russian, it went in two directions: 1) fixing as a label formula (named values "wish when sneezing", "wish when saying goodbye", as well as "table wish" - in the latter case, it is permissible to replace the component be-we will, and the expression as a whole is synonymous with the phrases your (your) health! for your (your) health!); 2) increased expressiveness with simultaneous loss of morphological variability (only in the form be healthy ); use in the meanings " very good, excellent (to do something, done something)"; " very good, causing admiration, surprise (who, what)". In the circumstantial sense, the phraseological unit be healthy is correlated with lexical synonyms excellent, excellent, glorious, excellent, healthy, etc.
Apparently, both of the homonyms healthy 1-"very strong"; 2 - "very good" and great "greeting"took part in the formation of the semantics of the colloquial greeting you live well (live)!. On the one hand, the healthy component inherits not only accentological characteristics from the lexical prototype, but also semantic ones (a wish for health). The phraseological unit, therefore, actualizes the internal form of the word healthy and represents a detailed wish to live healthy. However, on the other hand, the phraseological meaning as a whole is more complex due to the superposition of a qualificative element: you live well - that is, well (Cf. with the adverb healthy in this meaning).
The assumption about combining the meanings of these homonyms in the semantics of the expression you live well is confirmed by the data of folk dialects. V. I. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language presents various speech phrases based on the inseparability of the meanings of "greeting" and "high degree of quality": Great steamed! - addressed to someone coming from the bathhouse; Great, but without a cow-ironic about the state of someone's affairs; Great in the hut-greeting in Perm dialects.
The Dictionary of Russian Don Dialects contains the following greeting formulas adopted in the speech of the Don Cossacks::
- used when meeting at any time of the day colloquial great live (live)! and also appeared as a result of the Ukrainization of the Don dialects healthy (healthy, healthy) were (bul, buly);
- greeting when meeting in the evening and in the afternoon: great day (day)!;
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- greeting when meeting in the morning: great night (spent the night)! (this expression as "greeting at the entrance to the house" is also found in the "Phraseological Dictionary of Russian dialects of Siberia" by A. I. Fedorov).
These expressions belong to an active stock of dialect vocabulary; their prevalence and popularity in modern Don dialects can be judged, in particular, by the works of B. P. Ekimov: "You live well, Cossack," Chapurin greeted, extending his hand "(Chelyadinsky's son-in-law); "In the courtyard, they greeted each other properly. - You live well... They say your house is for sale?" (House for sale and an old woman); "Great diaries! - Nikolai greeted his relatives with feigned ease" (A trip to the south); " Polyusha! Did you raise it, Lord? Did you have a great night? " (The last hut).
These appeals assume standard responses-nice; thank God, or a response to the health wish: "Grigory entered. He glanced around. "We've had a great day. "Thank God," the hostess drawled. Quiet Don); "Arseny came up alongside. "You live well, youngster - Thank God, Arseny Andreevich" (Sholokhov. Unmarried); "Horsemen came up, raised their hats. "We've had a great day. - Good health" (Serafimovich. Steppe people).
Hence, the expression you live well (live)! it could have appeared as a greeting formula in folk speech because, firstly, it goes back to the common Slavic tradition of greeting through health wishes, and, secondly, it is enriched with word-forming and semantic connection with the adverb healthy and acts as a statement that everything is good and safe in the life of the person being greeted. In the minds of the Russian people, health is one of the basic values of life, a guarantee of well-being and happiness. Apparently, this is the meaning of the proverbs Everything is healthy for a healthy person; Healthy and unhealthy things are healthy, and unhealthy and healthy things are unhealthy.
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