This expression is often found in the media. Its equivalent is the Latin phrase hic et nunc. But the external form may hide quite difficult ways of the appearance of a word (phrase) in the Russian language.
Latin hic et nunc in the Middle Ages was used in Europe mainly in scientific texts (philosophy, scholasticism, rhetoric), the language of which was Latin. The origin of the expression is connected with the rhetorical tradition: if an ancient orator wanted to interest the listener, emphasize his active role, make him an accomplice, then he used this phrase, combining the adverb of the place hic (here) and the time nunc (now). It was the logical inconsistency of two heterogeneous concepts that attracted and sharpened the attention of the listener. Obviously, the use of Romanism in the early 19th century by Balzac (1833) and Stendhal (1836) was intended to enhance the artistic effect of their texts. It seems that these are the first cases of using the Latin phrase in Modern literature. This barbarism came to the Russian language together with the translations of Balzac, whose texts in the 30s and early 40s of the XIX century were very popular in Russia and were often translated.
Unlike Russian, in English this expression became known only in the 30s of the XX century. However, in English, the semantic tracing paper here and now has been used instead since 1829. She first met in the works of the American writer W. H. Whyte (W. H. Whyte) and remained in Russia for a long time-
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in a stylistic sense, official or literary. Actually, the English synonyms for the Latin phrase were: at this time "at this moment, moment", the present time "this moment, now", this time and place "at this time and in this place", immediately "immediately, immediately", right away "in one minute, immediately". Tracing paper from Latin has become more active in English since the 20-30s of the XX century. But in the last few decades, the life of this phrase has changed radically: it has been translated into many languages of the world, including Russian.
In the second half of the twentieth century, as a result of the large-scale Anglo-American influence, the expression here and now was widely used in European languages and did not even evoke associations with the Latin source: su due piedi (Italian), aqui y ahora (Spanish), hier und jetzt (German), ici et maintenant (French).: the original expression is tout de ("immediately"), tassa ja nyt (Fin.). Anglicism came to the Russian language in the 80-90 - ies of the XX century in the form of here and now.
Syntactic and lexical connections within a phrase are unusual for the Russian language, since it is grammatically incorrect to combine places and times with adverbs using the compositional conjunction, since they belong to different lexical and semantic categories and conceptual zones. There is a violation of the compatibility of homogeneous terms. Errors in the formation of series with homogeneous sentence members consisting of words of different logical and semantic classes are traditionally considered as stylistic syntax errors (Rosenthal D. E., Golub I. B. Secrets of stylistics. Rules of good speech, Moscow, 1999). In Russian, the position of the words here and now together is possible, but the grammatical meaning is different, although the formal order of the elements is the same:"Who was talking here just now?" (Chekhov. Ivanov. Here and further our italics. - A. Z. ); "Here now the most unlucky" (Novy Mir. 1997. N 6); "In conclusion, Pyatkov said:" I have no hopes of getting out of prison, just as none of those sitting here now have any " "(Science and Life. 1999. N 1). In these examples, the juxtaposition of adverbs here and now is external, formal, since they represent two lexemes that are not semantically related to each other.
Often adverbs are separated from each other by sentence members: "You wait here, and I'll be right there" (Chekhov. Ward No. 6);" We were sitting here together just now " (Leskov. The spendthrift); "She is here now, they will report her in a moment" (L. Tolstoy. Resurrection) and many others.
Of course, such a situation is also possible, when one or another adverb may have an amplifying particle and: "Now and here there is some real movement ... "(Science and Life. 1988. N 5); "At one time, of course, the convicts were re-imprisoned, and now those who knocked on them live here" (Novy Mir. 1998. N 2); "Last year
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the first graduation took place at the Moscow school "Sozvezdie", and now all educational parallels and preschool groups are presented here " (Results. 1998. N 10).
Tracing paper from English is very common in the language of the modern press and clearly appealed primarily to journalists who actively exploit it in their articles and programs. Gradually, the expression penetrates into the general lexicon. Calcification of the phrase here and now occurred under the strong influence of other similar Anglicisms, primarily with the amplifying particle exactly, right: right here "right here", right now "right now". Hence the abundance of variants and modifications of the phraseological phrase here and now in the modern Russian language space, especially in newspaper and magazine texts: right here and now; right here and right now; right here, where now; right here and now, and in fact (October. 2001. N 6); now and exactly here; here and now; right here and right now; right now and here; here and now/here and then (Totals. 1999, No. 23); now and here.
The phrase has become so "worked out" in the Russian language that there are analogues even without the union, only the intonation connects the elements inside the phrase: right here, right now; why exactly here, why exactly now? (Foreign literature. 1999. N 1); here, now; not here, not now (Banner. 1999. N 10); not here and not now (Zvezda. 2001. N 8); here, today, now (Knowledge is power. 2001. N 4); right here: right now (Expert. 1999. 5 Apr.); right now, here, at this place (Moscow. 2000. N 3).
It is quite obvious that the calculated expression has already served as a grammatical and semantic model for the formation of similar phrases based on the Russian language: right now and precisely in St. Petersburg (Nevskoe vremya. 2001. June 6); right now, here, in this place; not now, then, not here, then there (Chimes. 1996. Dec 15). The feeling of novelty and grammatical strangeness of the phrase still persists, so in the press you can find writing in quotation marks: the thing is "here" and " now " (Art of cinema. 1998. N 1); to achieve justice "here and now" (Polis. 2000. N 4); namely, live improvisation "here and now" (Nevskoe vremya. 1997. June 19), etc. However, more and more often the expression is given without quotation marks-evidence that it has already taken root and mastered in the Russian language as a completely "Russian" turn.
Most often, the phrase here and now (and its modifications) is used in the field of advertising, finance, and business. The expression bears a clear imprint of borrowing the Anglo-American style: "It is here and now that it is preferable to place funds for a long time" (Money. 1994. October 27); " The overwhelming majority of buyers are happy to grab the opportunity to get insurance coverage
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"here and now" and go outside the car dealership with an insurance policy in your pocket" (Company. 1999. N 29).
In the field of philosophy, the phrase here and now goes back, obviously, to the works of Descartes (and the philosophical trend of Cartesianism), representatives of hermeneutics, psychoanalysis. One of the most prominent popularizers of Descartes 'philosophy in our country in the 60 - 90s of the XX century was M. Mamardashvili, which is why in his works the expression is found either in Latin form or in calcified Russian: "And in such a world, not only everything is relevant, but everything is relevant: everything as a whole is represented". and now" 'hie etnunc' " (Mamardashvili. Metaphysics of freedom); "Being exists only here and now (hie et nunc) "(Fromm. Have or be); "In Heidegger's philosophy, Dasein is here-and-now-being "(Anthropology. 2003. March 12); "Eastern sages say that the ability to live here and now is the greatest wealth "(Persons. 2003. N 4).
In the field of creativity, fiction, theater, the expression can be a reflection of the artistic device of the "stream of consciousness", the" photographic nature "of the narrated, depicted:" A person does not receive responsibility from outside, from the authorities or from propaganda - in creativity it is born here and now" (Znamya. 1998. N 2); " I play according to Stanislavsky: everything happens to me here and now "(Profile. 1997. January 31); " The theater seems to cancel the past: the stage story always unfolds in a certain present, here and now "(Novy Mir, 1996. N 8).
In the field of medicine, psychology, the phrase also shows its roots in psychoanalysis, psychodiagnostics: "People get sick, are treated and want to get well" here and now " (Knowledge is power. 2001. N 7).
The elimination of strict ideological censorship in the post-Soviet period caused a rapid publication of Western and Eastern philosophers, psychologists and parapsychologists. Along with translations of their works, new attitudes and values began to spread in Russian society. Here and now is one of the key ideas of Western European economics, philosophy, and psychology in the second half of the 20th century. The influence of new life attitudes occurs not only at the linguistic (lexical) level, but also manifests itself in the publication of printed publications and programs designed to reflect the dynamism, rapid flow of events, life in general, and thereby introduce such a position into the consciousness of the reader (viewer). Obviously, this can explain the popularity of the phrase both in modern Russia and in the Russian language, because it is "more" than a language phrase - it has become a slogan, a motto, a symbol.
In modern Russian, the expression hic et nunc has also become more active, mainly in philosophical and psychological texts: "the conductor behaves as if his work were performed hic et
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nunc (here and now) "(Adorno. Sociology of Music). Latinism hic et nunc or its tracing paper here and now was one of Mamardashvili's favorites, being the central concepts in his philosophical system. Latin barbarism has also become quite popular in some intellectual magazines and newspaper appendices (Kommersant-daily, Literaturnoe Segodnya, Foreign Literature, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Polis, Gnosis, etc.).
Thus, in the Russian language in the XIX century, Latin barbarism hie et nunc penetrated from French literature. It was only in the 80-90s of the XX century that the expression here and now was interpreted from English, which gave surprisingly diverse modifications and variants as a way for a journalist to attract the attention of the reader (viewer). The activity of the phrase in the Russian language and mental space is explained by the introduction of new life attitudes through the mass media and is due to the pressure on the language of Anglo-Americanisms (primarily lexical and syntactic). The calculated character of the expression here and now is practically no longer recognized by native speakers (the gradual disappearance of quotation marks shows this). Obviously, this phraseological complex has a great chance of being preserved in the Russian language, even despite its grammatical (semantic-syntactic) incorrectness. The use of hie et nunc barbarism has also become more active, but it remains outside the general literary language, being part of special texts.
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