The article presents new comprehensive data on the dynamics of the natural environment in the basin of Lake Baikal. Bolshoe Inyaptukskoe on the North Baikal Plateau. The results of palynological, radiocarbon analysis, and counting of coal particles in loamy-peat deposits of the section located at an altitude of 1320 m above sea level reflect the history of vegetation and climate over the past 8-9 thousand years. The time limits of vegetation rearrangement intervals near the Ozerny-5 section are in good agreement with the regional and global climate trends. However, the process of changing the natural environment in the studied area had its own characteristics. The hypsometric position of the area and its location at high latitudes may have been the main reason for shifting the time boundaries of the local manifestation of major global and regional paleogeographic events.

Key words: Siberia, North Baikal Highlands, high-resolution palynological record, vegetation and climate change, Middle-late Holocene.


It is known that the vegetation of the Baikal region, which includes the North Baikal Highlands, was very susceptible to changes in the global and regional climate in the Holocene and responded relatively quickly to them (Bezrukova, 1999; Demske et al., 2005; Tarasov et al., 2007; Tarasov, Bezrakova, Krivonogov, 2009). It is also proved that climate changes in this area occurred almost synchronously with climate variations in the Northern Hemisphere (Prokopenko et al., 2010). For the high-altitude part of the North Baikal Highlands, which is a large intra-continental system of medium-mountain massifs and flat-topped ridges with contrasting topography, flora, climate, etc.-

This work was supported by the Norwegian Research Council (NFR 179316, project "Homes, Hearts and Households in the Circumpolar North"), the Council of Social Sciences and Humanities of Canada (SSHRC MCRI412 - 2005 - 1004, Baikal Archaeological Project), and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project N 12 - 05 - 00476a). The authors are grateful to O. N. Shestakova for preparing the samples for palynological analysis.

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However, due to the recent glacial history, no continuous, dated, high-resolution palynological records of changes in the natural environment have been obtained to date.

This article presents the first results of palynological studies of loose minerogenic and organogenic (peaty) deposits from the Lake Baikal basin. Bolshoe Inyaptukskoye, located in the Northern Baikal Highlands. This material can be considered unique for the study area, since the technique of very detailed sampling allowed us to obtain a pollen record with an average time resolution of 180 years. Such detailed information makes it possible to trace variations in the paleomedium of different scales over time, reconstruct not only regional, but also local vegetation (Kuoppamaa, Goslar, Hicks, 2009; Schlutz, Lehmkuhl, 2007), and find out possible causes of its changes - climatic or anthropogenic. The issue of anthropogenic impact is not discussed in detail in the article, but the methodology allows us to draw new conclusions about the peculiar refraction of major climatic events in mountainous regions.

General characteristics of the research area

The Ozerny-5 section (56°22'49.1" N, 109°54'09.0" E) is located at the northwestern foot of the cr. Synnyr, located in the center of the North Baikal Highlands, which is part of the Baikal Mountain Country and occupies the territory between the Stanovy Highland and the valleys of the Lena and Vitim rivers. The highest peak of the North Baikal Highlands, Mount Inyaptuk, reaches 2,578 m above sea level. Lake Bolshoe Inyaptukskoye lies 10 km to the west of the mountain. In the 19th and 20th centuries, a camp of Evenk reindeer herders was located on its western bank, and in the middle of the last century, a settlement of geologists was located (Kharinsky, 2010). The Ozerny-5 section is located at the north-eastern end of the camp, 370 m from the lake shore. The climate of the territory is continental. The average annual air temperature varies from -5 to -12 °C. Winter is cold and long. Average January temperature approx. -30 °C. Daily temperatures below zero last until May. Summers are short and moderately warm. The average July temperature at an altitude of 500-600 m does not exceed +14°C, and the duration of the growing season is less than 90 days [Atlas..., 1967]. Most of the precipitation falls in July-August and the first half of autumn. In mountainous areas, the average annual precipitation is more than 500 mm, in inter-mountain basins-300-350 mm. The thickness of snow cover varies greatly: from 20-30 cm to 180-200 cm in the areas adjacent to Lake Baikal. The predominant atmospheric transport is western. In the spring and summer period, the influence of north-westerly winds increases. The Northern Baikal Highlands are located in a zone of intermittent permafrost distribution (Baikal..., 1993).

The diversity of plant communities in the North Baikal Highlands is determined by the altitudinal zone. This territory is characterized by mountain-taiga (larch and pine-larch forests), subholtz (with sub belts of larch forests with dark coniferous species and cedar elfin) and mountain-tundra belts (Zony..., 1999).

The Ozerny-5 section is located within the belt of subholtz larch forests in the Olokit River valley near the lake. Bolshoe Inyaptukskoe (Fig. 1). Valley bottom

1. Location of the Ozerny-5 section.

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It is covered with extensive calthus, which is a combination of thorns and gritty meadows; on the southern and western sides, subholtz sparse forests of larch with an admixture of dark coniferous species or thickets of cedar elfin are common (Fig. 2), on the northern and eastern sides, mountain-tundra plant communities are developed, mainly lichen thorns. Vegetation near the Ozerny-5 section is part of the valley caltus, the mounds of which are covered with round-leaved birch (Betula rotundifolia Spach) with free-standing larch (Larix dahurica Laws.), juniper (Juniperus communis L.), kashkara (Rhododendron aureum Georgi), blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum L.), Cassiope tetragona (L.) D. Don), shiksha (Empetrum sibiricum V. N. Vassil.), cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.). In the ground cover of hillocks, the participation of lichens is significant. The depressions between the knolls (depressions) are occupied by willows (Salix arctica Pall., S. bebbiana Sarg., S. coasia Vill., S. divaricata Pall. et al.) and hardened pushits-sedge or mixed grass-sedge swamps on permafrost meadow soil.

Materials and methods

The section, composed of loamy deposits with peat in the upper part, was opened near the former settlement of geologists Ozerny, at an altitude of 1320 m above sea level in the valley of the Olokit River. Its thickness was 50 cm. The location in a wet place, in a small lake basin, not far from the former reindeer herders ' camp, determined the choice of the section as potentially important-

the area where the pollen of narrow - localised plants-indicators of the presence of a large number of domestic animals-should have been preserved. The method of selecting such objects has been developed for Scandinavia, where samples should be taken at a distance of 6-50 m from the geoarchaeological object (Aronsson, 1991; Rasanen, Froyd, Goslar, 2007).

Palynological analysis. Every centimeter of the incision was tested, making a total of 50 samples. For the extraction of pollen and spores in the laboratory, 1 cm3 of natural humidity sediment was selected and subjected to a standard treatment procedure using hydrofluoric acid and subsequent acetolysis [Faegri and Iversen, 1989]. Before starting treatment, two tablets of Lycopodium clavatum spore markers (18,584 grains per tablet) were added to each sample to calculate the pollen concentration (Maher, 1981). Pollen grains and spores were counted until their sum (without taking into account the number of natural spores of the genus Lycopodium) or the sum of markers reached 1000. The relative abundance or percentage of all pollen taxa was calculated from the amount of ground vegetation pollen taken as 100 %. The percentage of spores of ferns, mosses, and plowshares was already determined from the sum of all pollen grains and spores counted in each sample. At the same time, coal particles were counted in the same preparations. Its microparticles are about 30 microns in diameter, i.e. spores of the exotic marker are close to the sizeLycopodium clavatum became the basic unit of measurement (Innes, Blackford, Simmons, 2004). Separate calculation of coal particles of different dimensions was not carried out.

Chronological control. Carbon analysis (accelerator mass spectrometry) at Uppsala University (Sweden) was used to date the total organic matter from two samples from depths of 19 and 32 cm. The first one is obtained from the base of a light gray loam layer, the second one-from a black loam interlayer. The radiocarbon ages of the dated levels are 5,935 ± 36 (Ua-38926) and 7,005 ± 40 (Ua-38927) years, respectively. Calibrated values obtained using the CalPal program [Danzeglocke, Joris, Weninger, 2011], 6 764 ± 50 (68%-confidence interval: 6713 - 6814 calibrated years) and 7858 ± 56 (68% confidence interval: 7801 - 7914 calibrated years). Later in the article, only calibrated age values are used.

Analysis of pollen dynamics in light and dark coniferous trees. In the group of light-coniferous dreadlocks-

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Pinus sylvestris and Larix are included in the spring coniferous group, while Pinus sibirica, Abies sibirica, and Picea obovata are included in the dark coniferous group. Considering the different requirements of these breeds for ecological-edaphic and climatic factors (Bykov, 1960; Koropachinsky and Vstovskaya, 2002). It can be assumed that variations in the sum of pollen grains in these two groups reflect the relative variability of climate continentality (relative humidity and contrast of average temperatures in the summer and winter seasons).


Chronology. To create an age model of the Ozerny-5 section and approximate chronological estimation of pollen zone boundaries, the method of linear interpolation between calibrated age values (assuming zero age for the uppermost sample in the section) and subsequent extrapolation below the second dated level was used. For a more reasonable dating of changes in regional and / or local vegetation, they were compared with known paleogeographic events that caused dramatic climatic changes in the Northern Hemisphere, the time of occurrence and duration of which can serve as additional chronological markers. The age model of the section suggests that its base may have begun to form before 9 KA BP (Figure 3).

Calculation of the sediment accumulation rates between the dated horizons shows a significant deceleration in the upper (0-19 cm) layer compared to the lower (19-32 cm). This is probably due to the landscape and climatic conditions that contributed to the rather rapid formation of black and then gray-yellow loams earlier than 6.7 thousand years ago and the accumulation of very poor organic light yellow loam from about 6.7 to 4 thousand years ago. The upper 12-centimeter layer of turf could also accumulate slowly, since it was formed during the neoglacial cooling later than 4 thousand years ago.

Palynostratigraphy. On the spore-pollen diagram, based on a visual assessment of changes in the pollen content of individual taxa and amounts of pollen from plants of dark - and light-coniferous forest complexes, three local pollen zones are identified, designated OZY and numbered from bottom to top, the lower one is divided into two subzones (Fig. 3).

OZY-36 (50-32 cm, > 9-7.8 Ka BP). Most (18 out of 29) spore-pollen spectra of this subzone contain less than 100 pollen grains, and in nine even the total sum of pollen and spores does not exceed 100. Although the relative abundance of individual taxa for these SPS has been calculated and shown in the diagram (indicated by dots), they cannot serve as a basis for reliable vegetation reconstructions. In general, spores of Sphagnum and Lycopodium, including representatives of modern tundra vegetation Lycopodium pungens, predominate in the 50 - 30 cm section interval (> 9 - 7.7 Ka BP). Among the tree pollen, the pollen grains of spruce (Picea obovata) and Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica) predominate, in the group of shrub pollen - the grains of shrub birch (Betula x-type), and in the grassy part of the spectrum, the pollen of representatives of Asteraceae, cruciferous (Brassicaceae) and Geraniaceae dominates. The content of coal fragments in this interval is low.

OZY-3a (32-20 cm, ~ 7.8-6.8 Ka BP). In the SPS of this subzone, the number of counted pollen grains of terrestrial plants varies from 150 to 1000, allowing all SPS to be considered representative for reconstructions. Tree pollen prevails (56-72%), mainly Siberian pine, scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), but spruce and fir (Abies sibirica) are significantly involved. The group of shrub pollen is dominated by the pollen grains of shrubby birches and, to a lesser extent, of shrub alder (Duschekia fruticosa). The abundance of Botrychium, Polypodiophyta, and Lycopodium clavatum spores reaches its maximum during the entire formation of the Ozerny-5 section. The concentration of pollen and spores in the sediments of this subzone varies greatly, remaining generally low - from 400 to 56,000 grains per 1 cm3. The number of coal fragments increases near the upper boundary of the subzone.

OZY-2 (20-14 cm, ~ 6,8-4,3 ka BP). The relative abundance of pollen from spruce, larch (Larix sp.), fir, shrubby birches, and Polysea (Artemisia) reaches a maximum. The concentration of pollen and spores increased sharply, reaching 32-62 thousand tons. grains per 1 cm3. The deposits of this interval contain the maximum number of coal fragments.

OZY-1 (12-0 cm, ~ 4.3-0 Ka BP). The distinctive features of the SPS of this zone are a sharp decrease in the abundance of spruce and shrubby birch pollen, an increase in the percentage of pollen grains of scots pine, Siberian pine, and Salix willow, the constant presence of plowshare spores (Selaginella selaginoides), and the predominance of sedge pollen (Cyperaceae) in the grassy part of the spectrum. The concentration of pollen and spores reaches maximum values. The number of counted coal fragments is gradually decreasing.

The ratio of pollen of dark-and light-coniferous trees. In Figure 4, the part of the graph that corresponds to non-representative SPS is shaded. Reconstructions based on their composition should be considered as approximate. On the chart

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3. Simplified spore-pollen diagram of the Ozerny-5 section. 1 - upper soil layer - turf; 2-light gray loam; 3-gray - yellow loam; 4 - black loam; 5-position of dated samples.

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4. Dynamics of dark-and light-coniferous forest complexes in the Ozerny-5 section in comparison with variations of δ18o NGRIP, an indicator of air temperature changes in the North Atlantic region (according to [Svensson et al., 2008]), and the time of cold snap events in the same region, known as Bond events [Bond et al. 2001], and variations of Δ18o in stalagmites from the Dong Cave in China (according to [Yuan et al., 2004]) - an indicator of the intensity of the Pacific monsoon.

three intervals are clearly distinguished, which are characterized by significant differences in the ratio of pollen of dark-and light-coniferous woody plants. Pollen from dark conifers (spruce and Siberian pine) prevails in SPS formed > 9 - 7.7 Ka BP, but the values of the sum of pollen grains from both groups are very unstable. The share of pollen of dark coniferous trees remains high (65-85%) in the range of ~ 7.7 - 4.3 thousand BP In the sediments accumulated in the last ~ 4.3 thousand years, it gradually decreased on average from 60 to 50%, especially noticeably in the last few hundred years.

Interpretation and discussion of results

The presented results for the Ozerny-5 section allow us to distinguish three large time intervals in the vegetation dynamics of the region over the past approximately 9 thousand years, due to changes in the regional climate and natural environment. The accumulation of the lower part of gray-yellow loam occurred somewhat earlier than 8 Ka BP, in the range > 9-7.7 Ka BP. The composition of the SPS indicates a broad development of shrub-grassy tundra communities in the study area with the participation of cedar elan and shrub birch. An ecological and geographical analysis of the current distribution of plant communities of this type suggests the existence of a cold, but rather humid climate and the development of permafrost rocks. The climate features were probably cold, low-snow winters, which contributed to deep freezing of the soil, and relatively warm, but short summer seasons, which provided plants with sufficient soil moisture due to the melting of the active permafrost layer. The high hypsometric position of the area and the constant strong wind impact could also be an important reason for the weak development of local woody vegetation at this time. The presence of a significant amount of pollen grains of spruce and pine (Siberian and Scots) in the SPS from separate layers, the ability of which to transfer pollen by various agents varies greatly [Peterson, 1983; Bezrukova et al., 2005], indicates the possible existence of spruce woodlands near the Ozerny-5 section. Pine pollen should be considered as a drift element. Previous reconstructions of landscapes and climates have shown that postglacial warming is increasing. -

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swimming pool of the lake. Lake Baikal occurred between 11 and 10 Ka BP [Tarasov et al., 2007; Tarasov, Bezrukova, and Krivonogov. 2009; Bezrukova et al., 2010], but the warmest and wettest climate was reconstructed for the interval of 10-7 KA BP. At this time, forest vegetation began to dominate here, and the participation of fir and spruce in it reached its maximum for the entire Holocene. Pine did not play a significant role in the composition of forest vegetation in the Baikal region and adjacent territories (Bezrukova et al., 2005; Prokopenko et al., 2010; Bazarova et al., 2011).

Later than the time of accumulation of the black loam layer (31-32 cm from the top of the section), which is 7.8 thousand years old, the formation of the upper part of the gray-yellow loam layer continued until about 6.5 thousand years ago. However, the upper boundary of the OZY-3 zone was drawn at the level of ~ 7-6.8 thousand years ago. This was based on significant changes in the composition of the ATP. The most important of them was a steady increase in the abundance of Pinus sylvestris pollen, which corresponds to an increase in its role at the specified time and in other pollen records from Siberia [MacDonald et al., 2000; Bezrukova et al., 2005; Demske et al., 2005]. Especially noteworthy is the satisfactory correlation of this most important Holocene regional event under similar conditions of the study area and the neighboring high-altitude zone of the Baikal Ridge (Bezrukova et al., 2008). In general, the results of the study showed that ~ 7.8 - 6.8 thousand BP (OZY-3a) in the Ozerny-5 section area was dominated by tree and shrub vegetation. Dark coniferous groups from Siberian spruce and pine dominated in the composition of tree species. The highest values of fir pollen, taking into account its weak ability to disperse (Bezrukova, 1999), suggest that the maximum participation of fir in local vegetation at this time is in good agreement with its widest distribution in the entire Holocene on the territory of the Baikal region in the range of 10-7 thousand years ago. the amount of burning material due to the expansion of areas and / or an increase in the density of tree and shrub vegetation. Key records of climate change in the Northern Hemisphere show a gradual decrease in air temperature in the North Atlantic region [Svensson et al., 2008], weakening of intensity (cooling) of the Pacific monsoon (Yuanetal., 2004). Variations in the sum of pollen grains of dark-and light-coniferous woody plants indicate the dominance of the dark-coniferous forest complex in the specified time interval in the Ozerny-5 section.

The constant presence of pollen from Arctoalpine shrubs, mainly shrubby birches and in much smaller numbers dusekia and cedar elfin, suggests a significant participation in the local vegetation in the range of ~ 6.8 - 4.3 thousand BP (OZY-2) groups characteristic of shrub tundras. A high abundance of spruce microstates may indicate the largest distribution of spruce over the entire studied period in the area under study. Even a small content of pollen grains of larch (0.1 - 0.2 %) indicates its growth near the section. This conclusion is based on knowledge of the degree of larch pollen representation in regional SPS (Peterson, 1983; Bezrukova, 1999). The results of the reconstruction of the dark - and light-coniferous complexes suggest the widest distribution of dark-coniferous vegetation in the Ozerny-5 section over the past 9 thousand years and, accordingly, the onset of the least continental, moderately cold climate. The maximum number of coal fragments indirectly indicates the existence of a dense tree-shrub layer.

A gradual decrease in the abundance of tree pollen and an increase in the content of pollen grains of herbaceous plants in the SPS of the OZY-1 subzone from ~ 4.3 thousand years AGO to the present may mean a retreat or thinning of forest vegetation. It is likely that some reduction in the number of coal fragments occurred for the same reason. An increase in the abundance of scots pine pollen and a significant decrease in the content of spruce pollen grains may mean further distribution of pine in the regional aspect and a significant reduction in the participation of spruce in local vegetation. Similar dynamics of tree species is also typical for other regions of the Baikal region (Bezrukova et al., 2006, 2008; Belov et al., 2006). Reconstruction of the quantitative climate characteristics showed that 4-3 thousand years ago in the lake basin. In Lake Baikal, the average annual precipitation could be 20-30 mm lower, and the average temperatures of the summer and winter seasons 1.5-2 °C higher than in the Holocene optimum. The humidity index also significantly decreased (Tarasov et al., 2007). The results of vegetation reconstruction near the Ozerny-5 section are consistent with changes in the regional climate. They confirm a continuous decline in the proportion of dark coniferous trees. Such natural and climatic conditions could contribute to a more active melting of permafrost rocks in the study area, which ensured high local water content and led to the growth of sedge associations and the appearance of plowshark (Selaginella selaginoides) along the banks of streams, in rivers, and on wet rocks. Larch remained the most important element of local forest vegetation. It is possible that high soil humidity has led to a decrease in the frequency of fires, which has led to a decrease in the number of fires.

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expression in the reduction of the number of coal fragments in OZY-1 deposits.

The interpretation of the strengthening of the position of sedges and the constant presence of willows in the last millennia in the study area can be twofold. It is possible that such transformations are caused by anthropogenic impact. This may be supported by the following. In the modern vegetation cover, sedge plants, especially Carex caespitosa, are the dominant elements of western swamps, and their abundance is considered as a consequence of overgrazing of ungulates on waterlogged soil. In the lake district. Another important feature was found in Bolshoe Inyaptukskoe: willow thickets are confined mainly to depressions, as well as to anthropogenic transformed areas on the tops of hillocks, which are usually covered with thickets of shrubby birches. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that with the possible development of this territory by humans, shrubby birch species, which were severely affected by human activity, were replaced on the tops of hillocks by much faster-growing willow species. However, the same features of palynological information can also be interpreted in terms of natural successions. Comparison with the already known changes in vegetation in other areas of the Baikal region suggests a natural, rather than anthropogenic, nature of changes in the vegetation cover around the Ozerny-5 section. A significant change in landscape and climatic conditions in the direction of cooling in the range of 3-2 thousand BP is known practically throughout the entire territory of the temperate and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere: in Canada [Tillman et al., 2010], Europe [Wanner et al., 2008; Seppa et al., 2009], and Central Mongolia [Wang et al., 2009]. In the Baikal region, this climatic event is reflected in pollen records from the lower reaches of the Upper Angara River (Bezrukova et al., 2006), the Tazheran steppes (Bezrukova et al., 2005), and the Lena-Angara Plateau (Bezrukova, Belov, and Orlova, 2011).

Causes of changes in the natural environment in the Ozerny-5 section area

To better understand the possible causes of changes in the local and regional vegetation of the study area, we compared the sequence of reconstructed paleogeographic events with key stratotypic sections reflecting climate changes in the Northern Hemisphere. Figure 4 shows the dynamics of the ratio of dark-and light-coniferous forest complexes (TX/CX-the index of relative changes in climate continentality). It is compared with variations in the average air temperature in the North Atlantic region, variability in the intensity of the Pacific summer monsoon, and the timing of cold snaps known as Bond events. The figure clearly shows that the ~ 9.2 - 7.7 Ka BP interval is characterized by temperature instability in the North Atlantic and an active summer (warm) Pacific monsoon. The values of the regional climate continentality index (TX/CX) are also unstable. A relatively stable warm period in the North Atlantic and Pacific regions occurred ~ 7.7-4.3 thousand years ago. The continentality index also indicates a fairly stable moderately cool and humid climate in the area of the Ozerny-5 section at this time. In the Northern Hemisphere, the deterioration of climatic conditions reached a climax of about 4.5-4 Ka BP (see Figure 4, Bond Event 3). It is possible that a noticeable decrease in the role of dark coniferous vegetation in the studied area of about 4.5 thousand years AGO could occur in response to the deterioration of the global climate. The increasing cooling trend, which is visible in both stratotypic sections later than 4.3 Ka BP, is in good agreement with the pronounced increase in the continental climate in the study area. Less clear is the connection of the later (4,3 thousand BC-present) reduction of dark coniferous vegetation near the Ozerny-5 section and variations in the global climate at this time (see Fig. 4). Finding out the reasons for the retreat of dark coniferous forests in the lake district. Bolshoe Inyaptukskoe in the late Holocene requires further research.


Applying the technique of very detailed sampling of sediments from the Ozerny-5 section made it possible for the first time to obtain a high-resolution record of changes in the natural environment for this territory, which meets modern international standards of temporal resolution in the study of the Holocene paleocene environment. Despite the low content of pollen and spores in the lower interval of the section, new palynological and radiocarbon data showed significant changes in the composition of the spectra and, consequently, in the vegetation that produced them in the area of Lake Baikal. Bolshoe Inyaptukskoe. Qualitative and semi-quantitative (continental index dynamics) reconstruction of the pollen record along with information on the number of coal fragments allowed us to obtain a reliable picture of the vegetation and climate history of the study area over the past 9 thousand years. Time limits of inter-

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changes in vegetation near the Ozerny-5 section can be correlated with the trend of regional and global climate. However, the process of changing the natural environment in this territory had its own characteristics, obviously related to the geographical and orographic position of the studied area. For example, the optimum development of dark coniferous forest vegetation here occurs in the interval of ~ 8 - 4.3 thousand years AGO, while in the basin of Lake Baikal, the maximum development of dark coniferous forest vegetation occurs in the interval of ~ 8-4.3 thousand years ago. At ~ 10 - 7(6) Ka BP, the vegetation of the present-day appearance in the Baikal region began to form after 7(6) Ka BP, and in the Ozerny section-5 somewhat later. The hypsometric position of the area and its location at high latitudes may have been the main reason for shifting the time boundaries of the local manifestation of major global and regional paleogeographic events.

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The article was submitted to the Editorial Board on 28.07.11, in the final version-on 01.03.12.

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E. V. Bezrukova, D. J. Anderson, O. P. Vinkovskaya, A.V. Kharinsky, N. V. Kulagina, VEGETATION AND CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE GREAT INYAPTUK LAKE BASIN (NORTH BAIKAL HIGHLANDS) IN THE MIDDLE-LATE HOLOCENE // Stockholm: Swedish Digital Library (LIBRARY.SE). Updated: 21.12.2024. URL: (date of access: 23.01.2025).

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