"The experience of Narration about Russia" (originally called: "The Experience of a wise and political narration about the Russian state") - the work of Ivan Perfilevich Elagin (1725-1793/4), a poet and writer of the XVIII century, who at one time served a …
The important role of the druzhina institute in the development of feudal relations in Russia is noted by almost all researchers. In the works of B. D. Grekov, S. V. Yushkov, V. V. Mavrodin, B. A. Romanov, B. A. Rybakov, the position and social function of …
Many of you and your associates are operating in the hundreds of thousands, possibly millions y.e.
This is about your transactions... Direct or Indirect or Potential. Not so long ago, many of you became players in "Cybereconomics". In a fundamenta …
Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1983, 416 p.
"An amazing case! - there are no large monographs or books devoted to any of the outstanding historians of pre-revolutionary Russia yet. There is information about writers, but not about historians. There are no such works …
The political mood of the Russian masses in the autumn of 1917 was characterized by their Bolshevization, rallying around the working class and its vanguard, the Leninist Party. These sentiments were most clearly expressed in the attitude of the masses tow …
The phrases "Slavic idea", "Slavic question"," Slavic solidarity"," Slavic reciprocity"," Slavic community"," Slavic unity " have existed for at least two hundred years. Somewhat later, the terms "pan-Slavism", "Austroslavism", "Yugoslavism" and some other …
In the Military Gallery of 1812 in the Winter Palace, individual frames with signed names, but without portraits, attract attention. The descriptions of the gallery indicate that for its opening, which took place on December 25, 1826, from the portraits of …
Belarusian-Lithuanian chronicles describe the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania until about the middle of the 15th century. Initially, such chronicles were called only Lithuanian, but in the third quarter of the XIX century, N. I. Kostomarov, taking …
Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1978. 236 p. (I)
Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1982. 335c. (II).
Veliky Novgorod - one of the largest economic, political and cultural centers of Ancient Russia - has long attracted the attention of historians. More than 100 years ago, the questi …
Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1983. 302 p.
In her new work, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Soviet History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Doctor of Historical Sciences, A.M. Stanislavskaya continues her research on Russian foreign policy and internati …
In recent years, the interest of researchers in the First World War and its prehistory has noticeably increased, which is explained by two reasons: the publication of new, previously unknown materials about its origin (after the discovery of archival funds …
Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1982, 357 p.
In modern conditions, there is a widespread growth of ethnic and national identity. In the world of socialism, this phenomenon is closely linked to the economic, social and cultural progress of nations, which causes each o …
Every Soviet person from childhood knows the names of great ancestors-fighters for the independence of the Motherland. Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov are written about in all sch …
To the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory
Forty years ago, in January 1945, the final stage of the Second World War began in Europe, which led to the crushing defeat of the most reactionary strike force of imperialism - Hitler's fascism. "Having inflict …
O. KODEDOVA. Lidové hnuti a ohlas prvni ruské revoluce v ceskych zemich v letech 1905 - 1907. Praha. Academia. 1980. 160 sir.
O. KODEDOVA. Popular movement and response to the first Russian Revolution in the Czech Lands in 1905-1907
To the 80th anniversary …
On January 7 (19), 1885, in Orekhovo-Zuev, Vladimir province, a strike of thousands of textile workers broke out at factories belonging to the "Partnership of the Nikolskaya Manufactory of Savva Morozov son and Co." It went down in the history of the Russi …
The revolutionary storm that swept over Spain and Italy in 1820 was approaching Greece. Alexander Ypsilanti, general of the Russian army and head of the secret Greek society, in February 1821 raised an uprising that led to the liberation of Greece from the …
In May-June 1537, the Russian state almost became the scene of a bloody civil strife: the Staritsky appanage Prince Andrey Ivanovich rebelled against the young Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich (the future Ivan the Terrible) and his mother Elena. Contemporaries …
M. Mysl'. 1983. 271 p.
The book of Candidate of Historical Sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of History of the USSR of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR E. A. Dudzinskaya is a generalizing concrete historical study of the activities of the Sla …
M. Mysl'. 1983. 294 p.
The history of the civil war in our country was and continues to be an object of ideological struggle and is especially often falsified by bourgeois Sovietologists. Analyzing the past, they develop their concept of counter-revolution …
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