by Natalya KALETINA, Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Grigory KALETIN, Cand. Sc. (Med.), Center of Biotic Medicine (Moscow) Iron and zinc, molybdenum and selenium, copper and cobalt - these and tens of other chemical elements are present in human body in minimum amounts-10-3 - 10-12 percent. However, their effect on metabolism and other processes are great. Their excess or deficiency in organs and tissues lead to diseases. What are the mechanisms of microelement action? Why even one and the same element, though in different doses and forms, can play both a creative and destructive role? Articles in this rubric reflect the authors' opinion. - Ed. стр. 50 MANY-SIDED METALS According to Alexander Avtsyn (1908 - 1993), a well-known pathologist and physiologist, Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, trace elements are "most likely not stray ingredients of tissues and liquids of organisms, but are components of the naturally existing very ancient and intricate physiological system, involved in the regulation of vital functions at all stages of development". They are unevenly distributed in human organs and liquids. Vitally important, or essential elements, such as iron, iodine, zinc, cobalt, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, manganese, fluorine, silica, etc. are present in significantly higher (sometimes by orders of magnitude) concentrations than toxic elements (cadmium, arsenic, mercury, antimony, barium, boron, lead, etc.). Their effects depend not only on the quantitative factor, but also on the form of the element: coordination-bound or ionic. Let us once more note, that cell life is determined by proteins, while the nucleic acids just present the plan of its activity. Protein molecule composition depends on many factors: oxygen supply, stress exposure, drugs, nutrition. The organism always reacts to environmental changes, trying to retain the physiological balance. By contrast, environmental conditions are aimed at ... Read more

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25.09.2018 (2307 days ago)
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