Orientation to the North
In the correct translation from the ancient Greek “Apocalypse” means “great revelation, Or a story about it., What could happen to humanity.
With each of us, with our close ones..,Theologians argue about the meaning of words and symbols.
There are many Christians among us.
But, “Scrape up many and see millions of Gentiles.
We don’t talk about that, But it's true...
We are coded by our past and our future.
We must have!
On February 22, 2022, Russia voluntarily or involuntarily withdrew from the cover of Europe. And turned on herself.
We don’t like the philosopher Heydar Jemal, but his work on Russia “Orientation to the North” is close to us in fact.
Back to “obedience” from Western mentors no one, That's right.., won't come back...
We are grateful for the study.
We shaggy and “uncombed” in many ways formed waves of Western invasion and cultural expansion... Is it a challenge of time or time. Lived!
We don’t know the Actors, They will start working on the future., but we understand, The path is thorny by definition... And nothing, More.., Undecided...
There are no politicians, What is Acoustic. Nor can the spiritual Fathers of the nation be heard..
Time will push the first hundred men out of its womb. And soon.
It's time to work in the thick of the people.
Our strength will be in unity from the very people’s “navel”.
In the unity of purpose and action...
Read the poem by Alexander Blok "Scythians". It says everything...
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