Report from Captain Obvious
        Report from Captain Obvious   We will now give a vulgar calculation of the war economy, What works from 22 February 2022. Russia, almost, Lost to Little Russia. The border from which it is time to “refresh”. Historians will tell you the details... Military operations are ongoing, already, More than 900 days and nights. We believe that the general task is not the destruction of the region called Ukraine, But the creation. The damage will need to be repaired and soon! And this is resource spending and great creative work.    From the standpoint of vulgar Chemistry, having spent several trillion dollars,,.(sighs). and billions of hours(sighs)catch(sighs)khours of Russia(sighs)return of w(sighs)red(sighs)return of w(sighs)xials of 20 (Twenty) quadrillion y.(sighs). What and tr(sighs)bu(sighs)b(sighs). As harsh and harsh as it sounds... The battle is not for conventional units. The Battle for an Alternative to the Anglo-Saxon Matrix. It’s an amazing thing. Samuel Huntington in his work “War of Civilizations” called Ukraine “a kind of fault line, Between Western and Eastern Christian Civilizations. Line of 1056. Such precision in determining the future of the SPLIT does Huntington credit. This is the same Gift of great scientific foresight which our state Pericles and scientific Fathers were utterly deprived of.   Now.., something similar to last in the direction of the Celestial and Russia. The fault line will pass (may pass) on the sea Baikal. It will be the fault line between the Slavic Giant and global Asia. We can’t prove it, Except for the gross criminality.., that this is a very reasonable basis for taking the Global Asset away from one Power towards another. We're, purely hypothetical, We could go to the Baikal Sea., in the position of the Chinese Observer. We’ll be happy to be wrong. They don’t ‘give us peace’ from Huntington’s   :))   There are fault lines in the world, but, its not strictly.  There’s a choice. The right to choose must be exercised.Po ... Read more

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Sweden Online
Stockholm, Sweden
07.08.2024 (187 days ago)
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Report from Captain Obvious

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